Lucky Me
Posted by Unknown
I truly am not an avid shopper. With my son in tow my shopping habits have become next to nil if I have him with me. This last Saturday while trying to escape the rain we went to the local outlet stores. There is a train, a rainforest cafe and plenty of stuff for my son to look at while I can daydream of what it was like to have a long hard hunt through Nordstrom Rack.
As we were walking around (not going in any of the stores or Zoom will through a humongous fit) we walked past the Lucky store. The brand itself does nothing for me but reminds me that I don't have a teenage body anymore. However I noticed the going out of business signs. Everything $4.99. All kids.....2.97! Could this be real. My curiosity got the best of me.

I scored! A pair of white chinos for summer, easy rider jeans, and cute tee-shirts for little boys (granted my two year old hasn't been introduced to Janis Joplin as of yet but will be sporting her album cover). My total came to $16 and change for six items. I felt like I'd just won the lottery. Who couldn't use a pair of work jeans for that price. I'm surprised there wasn't hundreds of people grabbing jeans for their daughters. (size 25 was in overstock) all over the store. Instead it was leisurely and pleasant. Definitely the deal of the day.
As we were walking around (not going in any of the stores or Zoom will through a humongous fit) we walked past the Lucky store. The brand itself does nothing for me but reminds me that I don't have a teenage body anymore. However I noticed the going out of business signs. Everything $4.99. All kids.....2.97! Could this be real. My curiosity got the best of me.

I scored! A pair of white chinos for summer, easy rider jeans, and cute tee-shirts for little boys (granted my two year old hasn't been introduced to Janis Joplin as of yet but will be sporting her album cover). My total came to $16 and change for six items. I felt like I'd just won the lottery. Who couldn't use a pair of work jeans for that price. I'm surprised there wasn't hundreds of people grabbing jeans for their daughters. (size 25 was in overstock) all over the store. Instead it was leisurely and pleasant. Definitely the deal of the day.
I found myself thinking....How lucky am I.
That is absolutely unbelievable! To say you "scored' is an understatement.
I read an article today about pinching pennies - it said to shop solo and you'll save. After my howling laughter filled the house at the thought of shopping without children, I realized it may have some merit. Now I am rethinking my judgment. Look at the pennies you pinched, and all the while you were accompanied by your little one! Hmph!
"LUCKY"(said like Napolean Dynamite)
Too cool. I love deals like that!
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