Thinking on Mom
Posted by Unknown
I'm back from Moab and my heart is overwhelmed. Today is the day that my mom moves into her new apartment. That's what I'll call it because the sound of an Alzheimer's Facility makes my heart break. My dad has so faithfully and lovingly taken care of his dear sweet wife 17 years after her car accident. It has been hard and trying but the time has come when it is the best thing for my mom to do.
I've been trying to think of something I can give to her to hang in her room. I traced Zoom's hand and have tons of scrapbook paper to work with. I have our picture to frame but would love something special. I want it to be so special that when people come to visit her they know how much she is loved. She herself won't know what it is but maybe on good days it will spark a memory and warm her heart. Any ideas.....Please let me know.
It's a great facility and I know she'll be safe. My sadness comes from her in her anguish that she is in and also that she will not be at home when I go to visit. It will be so empty without her presence. I love her so much and wish her the best.
Dori, I know how hard this is. I've been their twice. Father and Husband. It's ok, they can take care of her and I'm sure her spirit is already taken care of.
I love you, My sister died last night and she was have mini strokes and she didn't think too good, heart pas-maker and diabetes, so she is with her husband now.
OH, Dave liked his picture of his horse (Blackie). He would talk about him all the time. He remembered the past better than the present.
I would find something that she may not be a picture. Something that was very important to her and display it somehow. It must be a difficult Grandfather has dementia and although it is a little different from Alzheimers, he really doesnt remember much about the present, including his grandchildren. He tends to live in the past, but at least he has that I guess. I wish you luck and much comfort in dealing with this. I know the Lord is watching out for all of you.
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