Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Wonder Woman Underoos

Posted by Unknown

When I was a little girl I had wonder woman underoos. Every time I put them on I would run around the house with so much energy and zest. I remember being so excited to get them and would put them on every time my mom would let me. I don't know whatever happened to them but I can tell you today that I need some underoos.
I'm so tired today I can hardly operate. If I could just put on some underwear to make me run and jump and save the world then I most definitely would. I've tried my stretching, I've drank water, and I think I got plenty of sleep but obviously my body is crying out for more sleep. If I could go back to bed, I would. I guess I'll have to wait until nap time like every other little girl.
Oh and by the way.....these underoos are selling on ebay for a whopping $250 a pair. It I had the money......I might try try to squeeze in these :)


SJacobus said...

Love it! Start a lemonade stand to save for them:)